Viimeksi paikalla 2 viikkoa sitten

Valokuvaaja Marius Tudor


Viimeksi paikalla 2 viikkoa sitten

Lontoo, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta PRO

10 vuotta MyWedissä
Osaamani kielet: englannin, espanjan, ranskan Lontoo, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta Marius Tudor +44 7391 553785


  • Oletko valokuvauksellinen?

    My mother loves all my pictures, she belives I am photogenic!

  • Miten päädyit valokuvausalalle?

    I have started almost 6 years ago after I met my love Gabriela. I did not start with shooting flowers, but I took it straight the hard way. Three months after I grabbed my first semi-professional camera I shot for free my first wedding. Since then, I shot almost 200 weddings and 100 baptisms.

  • Mikä on sinusta tärkeintä hyvässä kuvassa?

    I strongly belive in a moment as the first component and I am always fighting to find it. Before finding the moment, I scout for the best light condition and I am making some composition scenarios. Having all those elements in my mind I start to shoot until I get what I want. Sometimes nothing happens in the frame, but patience is my ally.

  • Tykkäätkö matkustamisesta?

    I love to travel and I belive seeing as many places as I can helps me to develop as a man.

  • Mistä pidät eniten ammatissasi?

    I love people and the fact that I always have to be on alert! I do my best to never be bored. My couples gives me the energy to go forward.

  • Mistä pidät vähiten ammatissasi?

    I would love to have more time to visit my family.

  • Mikä on valokuvauksen tulevaisuus?

    I think we have to understand the new generation, people between 20 and 25 years. They are different than the people we've shot before and trying to adapt to their way of living, thinking and acting will be the next step in our business. The future of wedding photography stays in crazy shots. Traditional is dying.

  • Mikä on sille valokuvauslajille erityistä, johon olet erikoistunut?

    What's special? It's special because we connect new people every day (some of them are coming into my life to change it), it's special because I can wake up and go to sleep when I want, it's special because we have the power to make people happy.

  • Kuinka suhtaudut kritiikkiin?

    Sometimes it's hard to handle it, but I've learned lately how to manage situations like this. I started to listen more and even if I fight for my opinion if the criticism makes me think about how can I improve myself I am cleaning the trash.

  • Onko valokuvauksessa trendejä?

    There are no trends in wedding photography. If there is one, that one will be good photography. Everyone wants to improve it!

  • Minkä kriteerien perusteella asiakkaan pitäisi valita valokuvaaja?

    They have to choose a photographer who makes them feel confortable and who inspires confidence.

  • Mikä on ehdottomasti kiellettyä kuvauksessa?

    There are no rules when shooting. Everything is allowed.

  • Mitkä yksityiskohdat, jotka yleensä jäävät huomaamatta, valokuvaaja voi tallettaa?

    I belive in one quote: "When everyone is looking in one direction, turn around!"

  • Mikä vaikuttaa kuvan arvoon? Mikä kuvissa on tärkeintä?

    Moment, light, composition.

  • Kuka on sinun mielestäsi 2000-vuosisadan symboli?

    Nelson Mandela

  • Ketä haluaisit kuvata?

    I would love to shoot Morgan Freeman.

  • Onko sinulla ammatillisia tabuja?

    As I said before, there's nothing forbidden.

  • Kenen kanssa haluaisit kuvata?

    I would be honored to shoot one day with Erika and Lanny Mann, Daniele Vertelli and Pedro Cabrera. These are the first names that come to my mind, but the list is longer so far. There are so many great photographers out there which I would be honored to meet and shoot along side with.

  • Mistä huolehdit ja miksi?

    For the moment I have no worries, I am young and restless, but I always think at the moment when I will not be able to help people in need.

  • Jos olisit animoitu, kirjallisuus- tai elokuvahahmo, kuka olisit ja miksi?

    Mickey Mouse. That was my nickname when I was a kid. He is a funny character.

  • Kuka sinua on inspiroinut elämässäsi ja miksi?

    I am inspired by people who manage to do something great for the others.

  • Miten ja millä perusteella määrittelisit menestyksen?

    We can define and measure only our success. What success means for me may not be the others success defintion. For me success means to balance your personal life with your career and to be happy with the balance, to be surrounded only by the people you love and to do only what you like to do.

  • Haluaisitko olla mieluummin tykätty vai kunnioitettu?

    Respect is the engine of all human relationships. I would rather be respected and not liked than liked and not respected.

  • Mikä on suurin virheesi, jonka olet tehnyt työssäsi?

    I've made a lot of mistakes and I think the biggest mistake in my life was the period when I did not allow myself to make mistakes.

  • Kun lähdet matkalle, mitä otat mukaasi ja miksi?

    If I am traveling with the right person I don't need to take something with me.

  • Oletko koskaan toivonut, ettet olisi ostanut jotain omistamistasi vempaimista? Miksi?

    I am not a gadget addict. All I bought until now it was because I need it. I was very unhappy about my previous time it became very slow.

  • Miten opettelet ottamaan parempia kuvia?

    I am going to workshops, I shoot and read a lot (books, articles, others experiences).

  • Kuka on vaikuttanut eniten ammattiisi valokuvaajana?

    When I started wedding photography the very first photographer that influenced my work was Fer Juaristi.

  • Minkä yhden asian olisit toivonut tietäväsi, kun aloitit kuvaamisen?

    I wish I knew how to free my mind. I was very stressed about tehnical stuff.

  • Mitä haluat ilmaista valokuvillasi?

    I belive all about wedding photography is about people. I've seen a lot of photographers wasting their time during the wedding day taking pictures of the rings, wedding dress and other stuff like this while people let go their emotions.I want to show with my photographs how my clients felt their wedding day.

  • Mikä motivoi sinua jatkamaan kuvausta?

    My couples!

  • Olisiko vanhempiesi pitänyt olla tiukempia tai päinvastoin?

    They did not like me to do the mistakes they did in the past. They realized later that my life is not their life.

  • Jos voisit palata ajassa taaksepäin, mitä tekisit eri tavalla?

    I am happy with my actual life. If there's one thing I could ask if I go back in time its my today's mind.

  • Uskotko, että muilla planeetoilla on elämää?

    I belive in aliens!

  • Ketkä ovat sankareitasi?

    My mother, my father and my fiance.

  • Ketä et kunnioita?

    I have no respect for people who do not respect humanity, for people who do not respect me and for lazy people.

  • Mitä puolta yleisö ei koskaan näe sinussa?

    Actually If I am answering to this question there won't be an unseen part of me.

  • Milloin olet täysin tyytyväinen työhösi?

    When my clients are very happy.

  • Uskotko miesten ja naisten perinteisiin rooleihin?

    I belive in balance.

  • Saatko helposti ystäviä?

    No, I am an introvert.

  • Jatkuuko elämä avioliiton jälkeen?

    I don't know yet, as soon as I find I will edit this answer. :-D

  • Pidätkö koirista vai kissoista?

    I like almost all forms of life. To answer your question, I prefer dogs.

  • Parasta elämässä on:

    To always do what you like.

  • Ärsyttävintä elämässä on:

    To be forced to do what you don't like.

  • Mitä haluaisit muuttaa itsessäsi?

    I would like to change my anger management.

  • Haluaisitko antaa vinkkejä aloitteleville valokuvaajille?

    Be stubborn and never give up.

  • Jos Maahan saapuisi avaruusolioita ja he näkisivät sinut ensimmäisenä, mitä sanoisit heille?

    I will tell them I always belived they exist!

  • Jos sinut kutsuttaisiin kuvaamaan elokuvaa, mitä tyylilajia se edustaisi?

    Comedy or drama.

  • Huomenna aion... photography. It's saturday!