
摄影师Shane Watts



瓦莱塔, 马耳他 PRO

在MyWed上9 年
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/4ohtdeNQ0bdGHeR_DZSoaffkUpZe5YBq47GezW_eCQYz7Ddk6x1Y5zmS5Q5wHfRnKbNR2-nQ_ZuwTn6Tdnnzl0JSewrNz9NduTzt 瓦莱塔, 马耳他 Shane Watts +356 9988 8011


  • 您上相吗?

    As with most photographers I hate being in front of the lens. I'm at my most comfortable behind the camera.

  • 您热爱旅行吗?

    Travelling is one of my biggest passions

  • 对于您的职业,您最喜欢什么地方?

    Meeting new couples

  • 客户选择摄影师时应该遵循什么标准?

    In my opinion couples should focus on the reputation of the photographer, their style of work and personality. Cost is important but only when all the other criteria are satisfied.

  • 在生命中谁鼓舞了您?为什么?

    I take inspiration from the countless of talented photographers across the globe.

  • 您如何定义成功?如何衡量它?

    Being happy – that's the true measure of success.

  • 您非常受人喜欢或尊敬吗?

    I think you need to be likeable to be respected. You can't have one without the other.

  • 您如何提高自己以拍摄出更好的照片?

    I attend online courses and workshops and of course constant research, practice and take on critique constructively.