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Fotograf Shane O Neill


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Waterford, Irland 

10 år på MyWed
Jeg taler engelsk Waterford, Irland Shane O Neill +353 87 832 9950


  • Først og fremmest - hvem kan du navngive som den bedste fotograf i Waterford, Irland? :)

    Well, I can't tell you who the best is but all I can say is David Murphy is the most gorgeous!!

  • Er du fotogen?

    Sometimes. Everybody has a relationship with their own image – or at least how they see themselves. As a photographer, I'm often staggered by how little most people actually like their appearnace.

  • Hvordan blev du en del af fotografiindustrien?

    When I was 10 I picked up a camera for the first time and before long I was helping out as an assistant. I went to DLCAD when I was 18, I managed a photo lab for 6 years, then in

  • Hvad er de vigtigste komponenter i et godt billede efter din mening?

    Personally, I love well-composed decisive moments. They are hard to get! i've had plenty of practice though ...

  • Elsker du at rejse?

    Yes. Especialy in my own country of Ireland. The places my camera takes me ...

  • Hvad kan du bedst lide ved dit fag?

    Being creative. Personal freedom.

  • Hvad synes du mindre godt om ved dit fag?

    the hours! I always seem to underestimate how long things are going to take. It's just as well I like what I do.

  • Hvordan ser fremtiden ud for fotografering?

    Technology, I suppose. Capture devices will get smaller, quicker, better. We are in danger of being totally over-saturated. That's why I like to stick to the fundamentals of creating great images.

  • Hvad er der specielt ved den fotografigenre, du specialiserer dig i?

    I mainly shoot documentary wedding photography. For me, it is special because it does not involve the input of the client and instead frees them up to be part of their day. images shot naturally tend to age well.

  • Hvordan håndterer du kritik?

    it depends on the critic ;)

  • Hvad bør kriterierne være for en kunde, der skal vælge en fotograf?

    follow their heart

  • Hvilke ting er slet ikke tilladt under fotograferingen?

    taking too long

  • Hvilke detaljer, der som regel går ubemærket hen, vil en fotograf bemærke?

    observation skills definitely improve the more I shoot. Anticipation, or seeing what is about to happen before it actually happens is a good one.

  • Hvad påvirker værdien af et foto? Hvilke elementer indeholder det?

    For me, the viewer places their own value on a photo.

  • Hvem vil du gerne fotografere?

    Bungalows. I have an idea that is yet to bear fruit.

  • Har du nogen professionelle tabuemner?

    Lots. I have a strong sense of decorum, it prevents me from crossing even the most modest lines.

  • Hvem ville du gerne fotografere sammen med?

    Todd Hido

  • Hvad bekymrer du dig om, og hvorfor?

    Well, Covid-19 has takenover the world and shuttered the entire wedding industry for the foreseeable future. That gets me sometimes.

  • Hvad har været det mest imponerende øjeblik i dit liv?

    Witnessing the birth of both of my children.

  • Foretrækker du, at folk kan lide dig, eller at de respekterer dig?

    Liked. I know. I know.

  • Hvad er den største fejl, du nogensinde har begået i dit arbejde?

    While shooting a wedding in Charlottesville, I booked a hotel on Charlotte and proceeded to drive there. Until I realised I forgot the "ville" at the end!

  • Når du skal rejse, hvad tager du så med dig, og hvorfor?

    one camera and one lens only. The last time I went to Italy I took my Nikon D750 and a 500mm lens. Before that, it was a Fuji x100s, one of my all-time-favourite cameras

  • Er der noget, du ville ønske, du ikke havde købt blandt de tingester, som du ejer? Hvorfor?

    I guess if I was to *really analyse everything I ever bought you could make a case as to whether it was essential. I bought a NAS box once, never really used it.

  • Hvordan uddanner du dig selv til at tage bedre billeder?

    Shoot. Then shoot some more. There are certain things you can only learn by constantly doing it.

  • Hvis arbejde har haft størst indflydelse på dig som fotograf?

    Martin Parr showed my what was possible. Nothing is impossible,

  • Hvad er det eneste, du ville ønske, du vidste, da du begyndte at tage billeder?

    the 50mm lens is better than you think!(I was a wide angle nut)

  • Hvad vil du gerne fortælle med dine fotografier?

    I say what I see. its that simple really

  • Hvad motiverer dig til at fortsætte med at tage billeder?

    it's a strong part of my identity. I don't know what else to do!

  • Burde dine forældre have været mere eller mindre strikse?

    my parents were perfect. They got the balance really well.

  • Hvis du kunne gå tilbage i tiden, hvad ville du så gøre anderledes?

    Nothing. Why change??!

  • Hvad med liv på andre planeter?

    statistically its quite likely

  • Hvad laver du i din fritid?

    eh .... photography. Like i said, it takes up a lot of time!I do love food. And movies if and when I get the chance to watch them.

  • Hvilken side af dig viser du aldrig offentligt?

    Family life. I keep the best part all to myself!

  • Hvornår er du helt tilfreds med dit arbejde?

    No. Never. I'm always chasing that rainbow.

  • Tror du på de traditionelle mande- og kvinderoller?


  • Har du let ved at få nye venner?


  • Hvor vil du gerne bo?

    I have this discussion regularly and the answer is always the same: there is nowhere I'd rather live that Waterford, Ireland. We have everything here.

  • Er der liv efter ægteskabet?

    Life improves after marriage.

  • Har du en yndlingsvittighed? Fortæl den til os.

    Did you hear about the magic tractor? It turned into a field.

  • Kan du lide hunde eller katte?

    Dogs mainly. Some cats are really sound.

  • Hvem eller hvad hader du?


  • Det bedste ved livet er:

    my wife and children

  • Det mest irriterende ved livet er:

    my wife and children

  • Er der nogen ting rundt omkring, som du gerne vil ændre?

    not a thing

  • Hvad vil du gerne ændre ved dig selv?

    I sometimes get these states of inertia – especially when it comes to big projects. I wish i could get sh1t done!

  • Kan du give et par råd til de fotografer, som lige er startet?

    make mistakes. learn from them.

  • Hvis du bliver spurgt, om du vil indspille en film, hvilken genre vil det så være?


  • I morgen tager jeg ud og...

    the beach with my kids.