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Fotografo Shane Watts


Ultimo accesso 3 ore fa

La Valletta, Malta PRO

Da 9 anni su MyWed
Parlo inglese
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/4ohtdeNQ0bdGHeR_DZSoaffkUpZe5YBq47GezW_eCQYz7Ddk6x1Y5zmS5Q5wHfRnKbNR2-nQ_ZuwTn6Tdnnzl0JSewrNz9NduTzt La Valletta, Malta Shane Watts +356 9988 8011


  • Sei fotogenico?

    As with most photographers I hate being in front of the lens. I'm at my most comfortable behind the camera.

  • Ti piace viaggiare?

    Travelling is one of my biggest passions

  • Che cosa ti piace di più nella tua professione?

    Meeting new couples

  • Quali criteri dovrebbe utilizzare un cliente per scegliere un fotografo?

    In my opinion couples should focus on the reputation of the photographer, their style of work and personality. Cost is important but only when all the other criteria are satisfied.

  • Chi ti ispira nella vita e perché?

    I take inspiration from the countless of talented photographers across the globe.

  • Come puoi definire il successo? Come si misura?

    Being happy – that's the true measure of success.

  • Preferiresti essere amato o rispettato?

    I think you need to be likeable to be respected. You can't have one without the other.

  • Che formazione professionale segui per fare fotografie migliori?

    I attend online courses and workshops and of course constant research, practice and take on critique constructively.