
Fotograf Diego Velasquez



Walencja, Hiszpania PRO

9 lat na MyWed
Znam hiszpański, angielski Walencja, Hiszpania Diego Velasquez +34 603 15 17 54


  • Czy jesteś fotogeniczny/fotogeniczna?

    I hope I am.

  • Co sprawiło, że zajmujesz się fotografią?

    At university, during my attendance to arts career, I stumbled upon photography, and started to explore its several types, period during which I was able to carry out several photographic coverages, among those, a violinist performance. Not long after that, she recommended me to photograph her sister ́s wedding, and providing that service, I started to get involved in the wedding photography world.

  • Jakie twoim zdaniem są najważniejsze czynniki decydujące o dobrym zdjęciu?

    Composition, lighting and creativity.

  • Kochasz podróże?

    Yes, I love to know places and cultures that are new to me.

  • Co najbardziej lubisz w swoim zawodzie?

    Being part of a new family at each wedding, being able to meet new people and to travel.

  • Co najmniej lubisz w swoim zawodzie?

    Working on weekends, unfortunately you miss opportunities to share
    with your own family and friends, gatherings, birthdays, weddings, etc.

  • Jaka będzie przyszłość fotografii?

    I think that fast advance of technology, social networks and access to information, are a fundamental key for the future of photography.

  • Co wyróżnia rodzaj fotografii, którym się zajmujesz?

    I am one of those people that believe that something definitely spiritual happens on a wedding day, with the union of a man and a woman, what is so special? that every couple is unique, with different personalities. Add to that the way a photography tells that story, and you will definitely have a very special result.

  • Jak radzisz sobie z krytyk?

    I am open to critics and suggestions, I personally believe that they help you to grow, as long as these are constructive.

  • Czy w fotografii panują jakieś trendy?

    I think that wedding photography trends already exist, such as photo journalism, artistic type and those that are in constant evolution, as I mentioned before, due to technological advance and globalization.

  • Jakie kryteria powinien przyjąć klient przy wyborze fotografa?

    -A good portfolio (not only one or four pictures, a full portfolio). -Responsibility (It is important to have a good feeling with the photographer, in general lines I recommend a pre-wedding session so you can familiarize with the way he works, so you know if he is
    punctual, responsible and creative). – Good feedback from its clients.

  • Co jest absolutnie niedozwolone podczas sesji?

    Disrespect in any way the photographer or its team.

  • Jakie zwykle niezauważane szczegóły może uchwycić fotograf?

    How light behaves and to use that to its criteria and definitely the moments.

  • Co wpływa na wartość zdjęcia? Jakie są jego składowe?

    A good timing, take and composition creativity, with those elements you can touch people’s heart.

  • Kogo chcesz fotografować?

    Dave Grohl, frontman of Foo Fighter

  • Czy masz zawodowe tabu?

    Actually no.

  • Z kim marzy ci się fotografować?

    Victor Lax

  • Co cię martwi i dlaczego?

    I am worried about people with a lot of power that deceive and inject hate in people, there is nothing more dangerous that a mischievous person with power.

  • Jaka była najwspanialsza chwila w twoim życiu?

    I do not want to sound religious, but I will sound like it anyways, definitely the day I met Jesus Christ, thanks to some friends.

  • Gdybyś był/była postaci z kreskówki, książki lub filmu, kto by to był?

    Hahaha Goku, to defeat all bad guys.

  • Kto inspiruje cię w życiu i dlaczego?

    I have a lot of people that I admire, but the most important and relevant was one, that the simplest thing he did was to divide history in before and after Him, his name is Jesus Christ and his life has a lot of lessons.

  • Jaka jest twoja definicja sukcesu? Co jest jego miarą?

    I think that success is relative, maybe an achievement for me, might not be so relevant for another person, is to be able to say one day: I wish to do, to have or achieve said thing, for example a family, work in want you love, understand that happiness is not given by thing but is shared.

  • Wolisz, aby cię lubiano czy szanowano?

    To feel respected.

  • Jaki był twój największy bąłd zawodowy?

    Not understanding well the client.

  • Co zabierasz ze sob w podróż i dlaczego?

    I think one of the most effective tools nowadays when you are on a trip is the smartphone, since I have there my contacts, the GPS and good camera integrated, also my professional camera with one or two lenses in case I want a picture for myself.

  • Czy masz jakiś gadżet, zakupu którego żałujesz? Dlaczego?

    Not so far. If I want to buy something, I investigate a lot and if a colleague has it, I ask for their opinion, to verify my purchase.

  • Jak uczysz się robić lepsze zdjęcia?

    I think that reading a lot, we live in an era where all information or a big part of it is on the internet, investing in knowledge and my favorite, sharing with colleagues.

  • Czyje prace miały na ciebie największy wpływ jako na fotografa?

    Pedro Cabrera, Erika y Lanny Mann

  • Czy jest coś, o czym warto byłoby wiedzieć, zaczynając karierę w fotografii?

    Not always the best photographs are taken with a USD $8.000 camera.

  • Co chcesz przekazać poprzez swoje fotografie?

    That I love my job.

  • Co motywuje cię do dalszej pracy w fotografii?

    That tomorrow I will find a better image.

  • Uważasz, że twoi rodzice powinni byli być bardziej czy mniej surowi?

    My parents were strict with some things and with others not, and I think I worked out.

  • Mając możliwość cofnąć się w czasie, co być zrobił/zrobiła inaczej?

    I would be more disciplined in everything, big entrepreneurs or artists always agree on discipline. As I was once taught, discipline can defeat the most talented artist.

  • Co myślisz o życiu na innych planetach?

    It is not something that takes my breath away but it would be very interesting.

  • Kto jest twoim bohaterem/bohaterką?

    Jesus Christ, for taking my place at the cross.
    My mother, for being the way she is with her children.
    Pastor Alejandro, Jacobo García and Jay Watkins
    Patricia Guinand, founder of Muchas Manos children’s home
    My brother Sebastian for being so brave to study medicine in another country.
    And many many more.

  • Do kogo nie żywisz szacunku?

    I believe that everyone on this life deserves respect, but people can lose credibility, even respect, at this moment I feel no respect for the entire political system of my beautiful country Venezuela.

  • Co robisz w czasie wolnym?

    I share with my wife, I watch a good movie.

  • Jakiego aspektu twojej osobowości nie ujawniasz publicznie?

    I think I always try to show my best side to people, but when I am upset is something difficult to cover.

  • Kiedy twoja praca w pełni cię zadowala?

    Not completely, I think there is still a lot to do.

  • Czy wierzysz w tradycyjne role mężczyzny i kobiety?

    I think that there are roles for each one, for example I am not going to tell my wife to change the flat tire, but that doesn’t mean she can’t do it by herself.

  • Czy łatwo się zaprzyjaźniasz?

    I think that friends are not everything there is, but I do consider myself extrovert and social.

  • W jakim miejscu dobrze by ci się mieszkało?

    In Venezuela with another government system.

  • Jaki była najgłupsza rzecz, którą zgodziłeś/zgodziłaś się zrobić?

    To participate in a low budget short film with a bad script and a bad director.

  • Czy istnieje życie po małżeństwie?

    Definitely yes.

  • Masz ulubiony żart? Opowiedz go.

    No, I am bad for jokes.

  • Wolisz psy czy koty?

    I like dogs, I would never have cats.

  • Kogo lub co nienawidzisz?

    I hate people that take advantage of others, with lies or by force, it ́s something that really bothers me.

  • W życiu najlepsze jest:

    My relation with God.

  • W życiu najbardziej irytuje mnie:

    Being upset with my wife.

  • Czy jest wokół ciebie coś, co chcesz zmienić?

    Things like people throwing garbage where it is intended, or people thinking that the government is going to give them everything.

  • Co chcesz zmienić w sobie?

    My love for junk food.

  • Co chcesz zmienić w świecie?

    Among many things that worry me a lot, is the damage that we are doing to planet earth and the global warming as its consequence.

  • Czy możesz udzielić kilka wskazówek początkującym fotografom?

    Yes, invest in knowledge, not only with money but with time and effort, the camera does not make the photographer, and to learn to respect people that have more years in the profession that us.

  • Jeżeli na Ziemię przybędą kosmici, a ty będziesz pierwszą osobą, która ich spotka, co im powiesz?


  • Jeśli poproszono by cię o nakręcenie filmu, jaki byłby to gatunek?

    A science fiction movie.

  • Jutro pójdę i...

    Thank God I am on vacations and I am going to share with my family.