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Fotograf Ciprian Grigorescu


Ultima dată online acum 1 zi

București, România PRO

Do you know what's the most beautiful thing about this job? That if you really love it, you don't work at all, you just tell stories through pictures. You capture the essence of the most important day for them. You make them relax, joke and keep the most beautiful looks and the most sincere smiles.

De 8 ani pe MyWed
Pot să vorbesc engleză, română
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/mPXXkL4XQFwQmQCNevK1jHLI9A3YimSZxIqcbOOCCzCAsGGgIJuDTE6gOjKg8uMr1b03iE6qs7jQgesv2uguQHjvN6LNgovkwP3Y1Q București, România Ciprian Grigorescu +40 727 608 787
Fotografierea unei nunți: 12 000 RUB pe oră
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