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Valokuvaaja Anton Yulikov


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Singapore, Singapore PRO

16 vuotta MyWedissä
Osaamani kielet: englannin Singapore, Singapore Anton Yulikov +65 9105 1064


  • Ennen kaikkea - kenet voit nimetä parhaaksi kuvaajaksi kaupungissasi? :)

    I always say that each couple will find its own best photographer. There is a best photographer neither in Saint Petersburg nor in Singapore. There is only Your Master, chosen by your heart according to his style and creativity. At my master-classes, 12 people are taking pictures of the same setting, made by me, at the same time. They are taking pictures standing really close to each other – shoulder to shoulder, so to say. They are all in the same circumstances of light and time. Often they even use the same cameras. With modern equipment everyone has high-quality pictures, but the artistic characteristics of all the photographs are different. Everyone chooses his/her own composition of the scene. That is why it is very important to choose a photographer as a picture in the gallery.

  • Oletko valokuvauksellinen?

    I am too shy to answer this question honestly) Let the viewers decide)

  • Miten päädyit valokuvausalalle?

    My grandfather was a photographer. Developing films with him was an extremely inspiring activity. So, I can say with confidence that my passion for photography started when I was a child. Since 18 years old I have been actively demanded as a wedding photographer. I was getting my higher education in several areas at the same time back then. ---
    Did I choose the type of photography? I think that people feel everything themselves and you become demanded exactly in that area, which is closer to your heart.

  • Mikä on sinusta tärkeintä hyvässä kuvassa?

    When you take pictures at the wedding, the client receives a thousand of technically good beautiful pictures. However, only 30 of them usually have something special! Magic – that is the most important thing in photography.

  • Tykkäätkö matkustamisesta?

    raveling is my passion. Travelling really charges you with inspiration for wedding photography. As a travel photographer I work in such countries as India, Burma, Tibet, Italy, Iceland, France and some African countries. Every year I organize trips to the most interesting and beautifully places on Earth where photographers can upgrade there level, take breathtaking photos that would definitely become a remarkable part of their portfolio and get some energy to create beautiful things.

  • Mistä pidät eniten ammatissasi?

    I like the feeling of responsibility. Shootings can be very difficult and you have to be experienced in all types of photography. When you are going to take pictures at the wedding, it is always a challenge to yourself! There is only one day and you have no chance to shoot again, you just don't have the right to fail.

  • Mistä pidät vähiten ammatissasi?

    There is one dangerous moment in the work of a wedding photographer, which I like a lot. When a photographer gets a certain level of proficiency, the feedbacks of the clients are always positive. It might cause vanity, which will stop you from further development. There is always an opportunity to grow and become better. I always come back upset from a shooting. I always have a feeling that I could have done more. You must always improve and work on yourself. It's a never-ending process.

  • Mikä on valokuvauksen tulevaisuus?

    It will transform into art. True masters will be valued highly. And the «basic» pictures will be taken by drones with artificial intelligence. Machines will never defeat human beings.

  • Mikä on sille valokuvauslajille erityistä, johon olet erikoistunut?

    Wedding is a special day overall. And to be a part of this magic is the most valuable thing in wedding photography

  • Kuinka suhtaudut kritiikkiin?

    12 years ago, when I started my career, it was painful for me to hear any criticism. Right now, if it's a constructive criticism – it's a fuel for the development of my skills.

  • Onko valokuvauksessa trendejä?

    When you don't follow the trends, it's easier to predict them.

  • Minkä kriteerien perusteella asiakkaan pitäisi valita valokuvaaja?

    Choose with your heart! Try to see a person behind his/her portfolio.

  • Mikä on ehdottomasti kiellettyä kuvauksessa?

    To look at the taken pictures for too long instead of shooting.

  • Mitkä yksityiskohdat, jotka yleensä jäävät huomaamatta, valokuvaaja voi tallettaa?

    A whole world of magic wedding moments.

  • Mikä vaikuttaa kuvan arvoon? Mikä kuvissa on tärkeintä?

    he experience of a photographer. Technical part of the picture. And talent, of course. By the way, I believe that you can develop it from year to year.

  • Kuka on sinun mielestäsi 2000-vuosisadan symboli?

    For me, it's Dalai Lama

  • Ketä haluaisit kuvata?

    I want to keep taking pictures of beautiful weddings all around the world. Adventurous ethno-travel wedding is one of the most interesting areas in recent years, to my mind. There is an opportunity not only to take pictures, but also to feel the culture. I really like the weddings where love has united the representatives of two completely different cultures. And one respectfully penetrated into the family traditions of another.

  • Onko sinulla ammatillisia tabuja?

    There are no taboos in wedding photography. However, I am quite conservative in general)

  • Kenen kanssa haluaisit kuvata?

    I don't know

  • Mistä huolehdit ja miksi?

    I worry a lot about the preservation of the whole shooting before I give it to the client. So I make many copies.

  • Mikä on ollut elämäsi vaikuttavin hetki?

    The first wedding shooting. I took pictures of the wedding ceremony in the family of a priest and I was nervous. It was 13 years ago. I couldn't understand why I was entrusted with such a responsible task.

  • Jos olisit animoitu, kirjallisuus- tai elokuvahahmo, kuka olisit ja miksi?

    I am in love with Asian culture. So let it be the character of a movie about Kung Fu – IPman

  • Kuka sinua on inspiroinut elämässäsi ja miksi?

    God and family. Because they are the most important things in your life.

  • Miten ja millä perusteella määrittelisit menestyksen?

    I define success with a smile of my wife)

  • Haluaisitko olla mieluummin tykätty vai kunnioitettu?

    Let there be both in my life)

  • Mikä on suurin virheesi, jonka olet tehnyt työssäsi?

    I called a groom by his brother's name, which confused the bride a bit)

  • Kun lähdet matkalle, mitä otat mukaasi ja miksi?

    My experience taught me to be always ready for wedding shooting. It has happened many times that I had to quite my holiday and fly to a wedding shooting from there to another country.

  • Oletko koskaan toivonut, ettet olisi ostanut jotain omistamistasi vempaimista? Miksi?

    I use a tripod extremely rarely.

  • Miten opettelet ottamaan parempia kuvia?

    I try to give the photographs to the clients during a personal meeting and always note, where the couple is especially delighted and where not. It helps you understand your weak points better.

  • Kuka on vaikuttanut eniten ammattiisi valokuvaajana?

    Joe Buissink's master-class impressed me a lot.

  • Minkä yhden asian olisit toivonut tietäväsi, kun aloitit kuvaamisen?

    You will never stop being a photographer. It becomes a part of you.

  • Mitä haluat ilmaista valokuvillasi?

    God's beauty lies in the basis of everything. It unites everything, which is alive, and it has no boundaries or nationality.

  • Mikä motivoi sinua jatkamaan kuvausta?

    Love to what I am doing

  • Olisiko vanhempiesi pitänyt olla tiukempia tai päinvastoin?

    Everything is harmonious in this area of my life.

  • Jos voisit palata ajassa taaksepäin, mitä tekisit eri tavalla?

    If I could take modern photo-equipment to the past, it would be exciting. I would surprise the whole world with the quality of digital photos.

  • Uskotko, että muilla planeetoilla on elämää?

    Life on other planets exists. There are definitely weddings there. And it means that they really need me there )))

  • Ketkä ovat sankareitasi?

    The main hero of my life is my wife.

  • Ketä et kunnioita?

    I don't respect people who treat the animals badly.

  • Mitä teet vapaa-ajallasi?

    I travel with my family when I have spare time.

  • Mitä puolta yleisö ei koskaan näe sinussa?

    In the era of Instagram, all your personal life is open to everyone.

  • Milloin olet täysin tyytyväinen työhösi?

    I am never completely satisfied with my work.

  • Uskotko miesten ja naisten perinteisiin rooleihin?

    I think that every couple decides it on its own.

  • Saatko helposti ystäviä?

    Yes, definitely

  • Missä haluaisit asua?

    Where my family is.

  • Mikä on typerin asia, johon olet koskaan suostunut?

    To be a photographer at my brother's wedding))

  • Jatkuuko elämä avioliiton jälkeen?

    Everything starts after wedding.

  • Onko sinulla suosikkivitsiä? Kerro pois.

    There are too many of them.

  • Pidätkö koirista vai kissoista?

    I like animals very much. Not only cats and dogs.

  • Ketä tai mitä vihaat?

    I hate low-quality lenses.

  • Parasta elämässä on:


  • Ärsyttävintä elämässä on:

    To write answers for an interview)

  • Haluaisitko muuttaa mitään ympärilläsi?

    irst of all, myself. I try to be better every day.

  • Mitä haluaisit muuttaa itsessäsi?

    I want to learn to take more masterpieces a minute.

  • Mitä haluaisit muuttaa maailmassa?

    I take beautiful pictures. I am sure that it makes the families stronger.

  • Haluaisitko antaa vinkkejä aloitteleville valokuvaajille?

    Just take wedding pictures. Commitment and hard work are 99% of the talent.

  • Jos Maahan saapuisi avaruusolioita ja he näkisivät sinut ensimmäisenä, mitä sanoisit heille?

    I would be happy to take pictures on your planet.

  • Jos sinut kutsuttaisiin kuvaamaan elokuvaa, mitä tyylilajia se edustaisi?

    It would be the kind of recently released movie «Crazy Rich Asians»

  • Huomenna aion...

    make a masterpiece of all times and nations.