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Fotografo Lorenzo Loriginale


Ultimo accesso 30 minuti fa

Roma, Italia PRO

My passion for photography comes from the desire to tell stories according to my vision. I love composing the elements that make up the scene in order to build images with creative content.

Da 6 anni su MyWed
Parlo italiano, inglese
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/NjF1_dtud97m0LU54EzSnAoDgEna5XhPcDqYJPaPVuux_Ubdacnhp3ErhhWgjWGIhbXiwinTQYsgkACG_ixgBz5yt4bjK9jWsq5sII4 Roma, Italia Lorenzo Loriginale +39 345 517 4929
Servizio fotografico di ritratto: 200 EUR l'ora minimo 1 ora