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Fotografo Simone Mastrota


Ultimo accesso molto tempo fa

Varese, Italia 

I am a father and a husband and I know that your wedding day is just the beginning of the wonderful story that your marriage will be. These pictures will be one of the first memories of your life together. I believe I was made to tell these stories and I’m sure you are going to love them!

Da 6 anni su MyWed
Parlo inglese, italiano
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/V7P7uiB-c3qLiFbXCHDyYlhnr-EhiSeStr_kr1735pjAPDAjNQpTOh977QNHa7pEiLfgaYcJXSa1gYzI-TT9oKMPD_f1f0wyIXji Varese, Italia Simone Mastrota +39 350 093 1755
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