Bröllopsfotograf Elina Nomade (nomadphotography). Foto av 19 juli 2021
Bröllopsfotograf Elina Nomade (nomadphotography). Foto av 19 juli 2021
Bröllopsfotograf Elina Nomade (nomadphotography). Foto av 19 juli 2021
Bröllopsfotograf Elina Nomade (nomadphotography). Foto av 19 juli 2021
Bröllopsfotograf Elina Nomade (nomadphotography). Foto av 19 juli 2021
Bröllopsfotograf Elina Nomade (nomadphotography). Foto av 19 juli 2021
Bröllopsfotograf Elina Nomade (nomadphotography). Foto av 19 juli 2021
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Stockholm mini wedding

Their original plan was changed due to covid19. As the following year it didn't improve, they decided to still gett married on the date they wanted, but smaller and local. The grand plan will go on another year to celebrate the anniversary. A sweet, calm ceremony by the most popular Stockholm scenery.

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